Metal Slug 6 Japan

The seventh main game in the series stays close to the fast-paced 2D side-scrolling shooting gameplay of the original, but with a few enhancements. The storyline is reminiscent of Metal Slug 2, X, and 3, as it focuses on the Rebel-Martian alliance where the team, with the help of the Rebels, had to fight the Martians. In this version however, all sides team up to combat a threat together. The four original heroes, Marco, Tarma, Fio and Eri, are joined by Ralf and Clark, of King of Fighters and Ikari Warriors fame, each with different attributes and a special ability. The characters also vary by running speed, the defense abilities when driving vehicles, and the amount of ammo received.

Release Month:9
Release Year:2006
Developer:SNK Playmore
Publisher:SNK Playmore